Terasynth at Air Venture 2022
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Terasynth, had their debut presence at Air Venture 2022 in Oshkosh, WI this year. It was a week filled with amazing air show performances, thousands of vendors, and business introductions for strategic partnerships that will lead to incredible results, more data, and deeper experiences for end commercial aviation users.
"Wonderful personal friendships were built, all centered around a love and passion for aviation. Everyone from executives to subject matter experts were there, and we had a blast together.", Terasynth CEO, Ali Mahvan, said of the week.
"Everyone was there, from the defense guys--Boeing, Collins Aerospace, AFWERX, the Air Force, National Guard, USMC, Army aviation, and more. Then you had the commercial side, private jet firms, Richard from Verijets was great. And of course, the beginnings of Air Venture, the experimentals--and man they were wild."
Video Here: https://i.imgur.com/R5PpEey.mp4
Terasynth, had their debut presence at Air Venture 2022 in Oshkosh, WI this year. It was a week filled with amazing air show performances, thousands of vendors, and business introductions for strategic partnerships that will lead to incredible results, more data, and deeper experiences for end commercial aviation users.
"Wonderful personal friendships were built, all centered around a love and passion for aviation. Everyone from executives to subject matter experts were there, and we had a blast together.", Terasynth CEO, Ali Mahvan, said of the week.
"Everyone was there, from the defense guys--Boeing, Collins Aerospace, AFWERX, the Air Force, National Guard, USMC, Army aviation, and more. Then you had the commercial side, private jet firms, Richard from Verijets was great. And of course, the beginnings of Air Venture, the experimentals--and man they were wild."
Video Here: https://i.imgur.com/R5PpEey.mp4

NAICS: 541715, 541511, 541512, 518210, 541990, 541519, 541690
© 2024 Terasynth, the Terasynth logo, ReArmor™, the ReArmor™ logo, Earthcloned™, the Earthcloned™ logo, and Anya™ artificial intelligence are trademarks or registered trademarks of Terasynth, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.

NAICS: 541715, 541511, 541512, 518210, 541990, 541519, 541690
© 2024 Terasynth, the Terasynth logo, ReArmor™, the ReArmor™ logo, Earthcloned™, the Earthcloned™ logo, and Anya™ artificial intelligence are trademarks or registered trademarks of Terasynth, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.